Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Departures: Vicki

Vicki joined the TARDIS crew in The Rescue, in the episode after Susan left. She was the first new cast member in Doctor Who history - funny when you think of how many cast changes will occur over the history of the show.

Name: Vicki
Home Planet & Time: Earth - 25th Century
Occupation: Unknown (I don't remember)
# of Stories: 9

At first Vicki seemed like Susan-with-a-twist, almost like the first few stories were written for Susan but she left before playing them out. They probably also didn't want to tinker with the show too much with the departure of Susan . Also the show is changing in season two in other ways, most notably the increased focus on science fiction elements.

I think she became a bit more interesting as time went on but due to missing stories some of her strongest performances may have been lost. Maybe that is wishful thinking on my part. I thought she had a very good performance in The Time Meddler but we can't really tell if it carried over as her final two stories have no surviving footage! At the same time she did name the Chumblies in Galaxy Four but I don't think we can really blame that fiasco on her.

I guess that overall I liked Vicki as a companion but the female companions that have been in Who so far haven't been great to this point so maybe Vicki is the best of a middling bunch.

Final Thoughts: Probably leaving at about he right time.

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