Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Season 2 in Review

With Season Two in the books there is quite a bit to talk about I think.

First Time Episodes
There was a lot of new Who this season for me but that wasn't always a good thing. There were some pretty good stories in the mix as well.
  • Planet of the Giants
  • The Dalek Invasion of Earth
  • The Web Planet
  • The Crusades
  • The Space Museum
  • The Chase
  • Most of the Time Meddler

Missing Episodes
This season there were very few missing episodes which is nice -- two episodes in total and both from The Crusades. The unfortunate part is the story suffered quite a bit as a result of the lost episodes. Had The Crusades been complete and two episodes were missing from The Web Planet instead....

Changing TARDIS crew
After a stable first season aboard the TARDIS things began changing almost immediately with Susan's sudden departure in Dalek Invasion of Earth -- only the second story of the season! Ian and Barbara would be joined by Vicki before they departed themselves in the seasons penultimate story. The seasons concluding episode saw the Doctor traveling with Vicki and Steven as the new TARDIS crew.

But the shake up is just getting started as season three looks to be a tumultuous era for companions...but that's getting ahead of myself.

Early-Modern Who
A new type of Who is evolving in the second season of Doctor Who; more like the Who from the Pertwee/Baker era of Who in my opinion. It's not quite there yet but you can recognize it starting to take shape. In the Dalek Invasion of Earth the Doctor is actively working against the Daleks and attempting to alter history...but it is the viewer's future of course. Then his actions create the history we know when he gives Nero the idea of burning Rome to the ground. Now the Doctor is turning into the meddler we know.

Rating: 5.6/10

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