Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Doctor Who Review

Welcome to the blog. The concept is simple enough and has been repeated on blogs like this all over the internet. I'm starting from Episode #1 of Doctor Who classic and watching it all.

Briefly about me and Who - I started watching when it was on PBS just before the show was canceled in the '80s. After it stopped running on my local PBS I had a while where all I had was my VCR tapes but it wasn't a complete run of the show, not by a long way. It would be some years later when I discovered that I could get Who on the internet that I would fill in most of the gaps in my Who viewing.

I've seen every episode of Doctor Who from the Pertwee era on, with the small caveat that I haven't seen the last episode of Greatest Show in the Galaxy. I just couldn't take anymore and always intended to go back and watch it but some how never did.

The first two Doctors I have seen less of. I fully expect to see many individual episodes and some whole stories that I've never seen in this era. I think it's going to be exciting.

Anyway, I'm going to talk a bit about the episodes as I watch them and then rank them on the Dynamic Doctor Who Rankings page. It should be fun.

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