Wednesday, February 23, 2011

8. The Reign of Terror

With the final episode of Season #1 the Doctor travels back in time to revolutionary France and the Reign of Terror. It's a great point in history for intrigue and plots and the Doctor gets entangled into a few along the way.

Another episode I had never seen before and it didn't disappoint. Of all the historical stories so far this was my favorite and much more suited to Doctor Who than cave man times or the Aztecs. The plots were more intriguing with this story than the others, perhaps because I do like the historical period.

The Doctor showed some of the flare for fashion that Colin Baker would later bring to the role with his citizen costume and the rest of the TARDIS crew also got dressed up for this one.

This story has two missing episodes (episodes 4 and 5) which have Loose Cannon reconstructions but the other four episodes were in tact. It seems that the two missing episodes may have been the most enjoyable of the story -- they had almost all the Robspierre action and the Doctor's elaborate attempt to get Susan, Barbara and Ian out of prison...typical of later who all the companions spent some time locked up during the story. Having the reconstructions in the middle of an episode I was already enjoying helped a great deal - unlike Marco Polo where I need to watch recons for the whole story - even though it does bring my enjoyment of the story down over all.

Ranking: 7/10 (above average)

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